Sami A.

Niche: Agent Attractor

Result: $0-$60,000 Per Month in Cash; 14 Real Estate Agents Attracted to Downline. Multiple Agents Recruited To Team.

Founder: Sami A

Sami A.

Before: Operating as a full time real estate agent. Earning potential capped to the amount of hours worked. Income dependent on the volatile real estate market. 

After: Ramped up to $60,000 per month in cash collected strictly from coaching business. 14 real estate agents attracted to downline. Used a real estate marketing business to position himself as an authority and attract people to his downline.

Story: Sami came to us operating as a full time real estate agent. Although his real estate business was thriving, Sami was looking for another way to apply his existing skill sets to earn a high income. He was hoping to find a highly leveraged opportunity vehicle where he did not have to exchange his time for commissions. Despite having a real estate team, Sami wanted to build an asset that would produce positive net cash flow each month. He decided to join eXp realty because he wanted to make passive income via the downline model. After realizing that it's very difficult to build and scale a downline at speed, he decided to book a call with our team. Upon speaking with our team, he started a real estate marketing business perfectly matched what he was looking for. He loved the fact how he can coach real estate agents from home and charge multiple 4 figures up front. Ultimately, this allowed him to make more money online than his actual real estate sales business. Best of all, he can also use it to attract agents to his team and downline. Sami quickly jumped on board. Within the first 60 days, Sami brought in his first few clients where he was able to charge $6,000+ in cash up front. He's now hitting $20k cash weeks and $60k cash months all while working from home. This is not mention Sami has also been able to attract 14 agents to his downline where his long term goal is to build passive income! He is now looking to scale to $100,000 per month and also use his real estate marketing consultancy to attract a minimum of 20 agents per month to his downline.

Sami A.

Niche: Agent Attractor

Result: $0-$60,000 Per Month in Cash; 14 Real Estate Agents Attracted to Downline. Multiple Agents Recruited To Team.

Founder: Sami A

Sami A.

Before: Operating as a full time real estate agent. Earning potential capped to the amount of hours worked. Income dependent on the volatile real estate market. 

After: Ramped up to $60,000 per month in cash collected strictly from coaching business. 14 real estate agents attracted to downline. Used a real estate marketing business to position himself as an authority and attract people to his downline.

Story: Sami came to us operating as a full time real estate agent. Although his real estate business was thriving, Sami was looking for another way to apply his existing skill sets to earn a high income. He was hoping to find a highly leveraged opportunity vehicle where he did not have to exchange his time for commissions. Despite having a real estate team, Sami wanted to build an asset that would produce positive net cash flow each month. He decided to join eXp realty because he wanted to make passive income via the downline model. After realizing that it's very difficult to build and scale a downline at speed, he decided to book a call with our team. Upon speaking with our team, he started a real estate marketing business perfectly matched what he was looking for. He loved the fact how he can coach real estate agents from home and charge multiple 4 figures up front. Ultimately, this allowed him to make more money online than his actual real estate sales business. Best of all, he can also use it to attract agents to his team and downline. Sami quickly jumped on board. Within the first 60 days, Sami brought in his first few clients where he was able to charge $6,000+ in cash up front. He's now hitting $20k cash weeks and $60k cash months all while working from home. This is not mention Sami has also been able to attract 14 agents to his downline where his long term goal is to build passive income! He is now looking to scale to $100,000 per month and also use his real estate marketing consultancy to attract a minimum of 20 agents per month to his downline.

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We Solve Agent Attraction for Real Estate Professionals

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"I had 32 motivated and hungry agents join my downline and also ended up making over $100,000 per month in just 120 days

WIliam K.

eXp Realty

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We Solve Agent Attraction for Real Estate Professionals

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"I had 32 motivated and hungry agents join my downline and also ended up making over $100,000 per month in just 120 days

WIliam K.

eXp Realty

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